tiistai 26. marraskuuta 2013

A Very Special Person by fifth graders in Rämälä

a very special person

My mother is very special person. Her name is Raisa.
She is thirtysix. She lives in Suonsaari.
She works as a nurse in an emergency foster home.
Her hobbies are badminton and walking the dog.
She is lovely and nice. She makes delicious food but not
so good as my grandmother does. She does not like
chocolate cookies and when people speak bad things
about each other. She likes baking and allkind of old stuff.
Her favorite food is chrismas ham.
She is the best mom in the world!

By Vilma

 a very special person

my grrandmother She is 71 old. My grandmother  lives a on farm in Juva

finland. She is at home  every day. Laura plays football wither grandson at home.  My grandmother likes    Nordic walking and football and grandson and good food. my grandmother She doesn’t like drive a car. and drive a bike and horse.                            

By Tommi 

A very special person
My dad is a very special person. His name is Jarmo. He is a guidance councelor. He is a 49 years old. His hobbies are skiing, skating and fishing. My dad is happy, kind and funny. Dad likes Finnish ice hockey and NHL.  He supports the team Porin Ässät. He is very special because he supports me and I can always trust him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

By: Rasmus

A very special person
His name is Konsta Pylkkänen. He is my big brother’s best friend.
He is seventeen years old. He lives in Suonsaari. Konsta studies in a forest school. He loves Rally cars. Konsta is nice.
He tells many funny stories to me. Konsta laughs much.
He likes to drink coffee. He is so happy person.

By: Jami

A very special person
Jani is my brother. He is nine years old. He is lives in Finland in Mikkeli. He is a pupil. He has got hobbies: scouts and sports club.
He is sometimes angry. His favorite food is meatballs and chips.
He doesn’t like fish and lasagne. He loves ice cream. He plays with farming simulator and telephone. Jani tho happy.

By: Jesse 

                   A very special person
My brother is a very special person. His name is Kasperi. Kasperi is 15 years old.
His lives in Tupala. He delivers ads for a living. He is not engaged to anybody.
 He is nice, fanny and sometimes annoying. He likes our babies. He doesn’t like his brother’s crying.
He is special because he is my brother

                                                                          By: Linnea  (class 5)   

A Very Special Person

My dad is very special person.

He is 41 years old. He lives in Mikkeli. His names is Eero, he works for SSSoy. He plays volleyball on Sundays.

He likes chocolate. He doesn’t like like mushrooms. He plays with our dog every day. He loves chocolate.

He doesn’t like to sing, but he likes to listen to heavy rock sometimes. He is very special person I think. He has three half brothers. They have 12 children altogether. They are my half cousin.

I love my Dad

By: Ada (Class 5)




maanantai 25. marraskuuta 2013

A Very Special Person by the 5th graders in Rahula

               A very special person

NEYMAR is very special person. He is very good football player. He is a fast and skillful player. He is the best football player in world. He is from Brazil but he lives in Barcelona. He player and I play football and I want to be as good as him. has two kids. He loves football and his family. He is special person because he is a good. 
By: Arttu

 A Very special person
My friend is a very special person.  Her name is Heidi.
She is very nice.  Her hobby is riding.  She likes horses and ponies.
She lives in Rahula. She is eleven years old.
Heidi has a mather, father and three brothers.
We live near to Heidi. She is special because she is my best friend.

By Silja

                                                A very  special person
My ganddada’s name is  Risto he’s very special person.
He’s is 76 years old.   
He lives in Mikkeli . He  doesn’t have hobbies. 
He is qite small but very happy lovely kind and funny.
He likes skiing  and music  and he likes to travel. But he doesn’t  travel much.
He doesn’t like angry people.
He  hasn’t got animals.
He is a special person because he is very nice and lovely. 

By Elsa

A very special person
My granddad is a very
His name Paavo
He doesn’t work
He is 89 years old
He doesn’t have hobbies
He lives in Graani He is quite old and funny He special because he has been in a war.

By Toivo

                              A very special person

Usain Bolt is a very special person. He lives in Jamaica. His hobby is running. He is black. He is fast and tall. He is likes taking photos and running. He is 27 years old. Bolt is the master of Olympic Games. His nickname is Lightning Bolt. His records were in Berlin, in Manchester and Kingston 2007 and 2009       By onni

A very special person
My mother is a very special person. Her name is Soile. She is 45 years old. She lives in Mikkeli. She works as a nurse. Her hobby is running. She likes the trampoline. She is mum likes pizza. She is makes good. She is special because she makes good food.

By Hilja

tiistai 19. marraskuuta 2013

Animals, animals...

Englannin kerhoissa olemme opiskelleet viime viikot eläinsanoja. Näistä linkeistä pääsette harjoittelemaan lisää myös kotona. :)

Farm animals
More farm animals

Pets and Farm animals
Pets and Farm animals 2

Wild animals
Wild animals 2

Forest animals (metsän eläimiä)

Animal sounds eli eläinten ääniä
Mikä eläin?

torstai 7. marraskuuta 2013


Rämälän viides luokka tutki Britteinsaaria ja niiden eri osia. Projektin tuloksena saimme luokan seinälle hienoja ja informatiivisia julisteita.

keskiviikko 6. marraskuuta 2013

Maat ja kielet

Viidesluokkalaisilla on edessään maiden ja kielten englanninkielisten nimien harjoittelua. Näiden nettitehtävien avulla voit kerrata koulussa läpikäytyjä sanoja:

Maita ja kieliä
Kieliristikko 2
Where do they speak...?

maanantai 4. marraskuuta 2013

Kellonajat ja viikonpäivät

Nelosluokkalaiset opiskelevat parhaillaan ahkerasti kellonaikoja ja viikonpäiviä. Kertaus ei varmasti olisi pahasta muillekaan... :) Tässä nettitehtäviä harjoittelun tueksi:

Tick Tock Song
Kuuntele ja opi kellonajat
Valitse kellonajoista oikea
Yhdistä kuva ja kellonaika
What time is it?

Days of the week (myös ääntämismalli)
Kirjoita viikonpäivät

tiistai 29. lokakuuta 2013

London project

The fourth graders in Rämälä did a project on London. Here you can see the results:

Happy Halloween!

This week we have talked about Halloween and why and how it is celebrated in the English-speaking countries.

Here are some links to Halloween activities:

Halloween by British Council
Halloween games
Halloween games, coloring and crafts
Halloween games and coloring

Here you can see how Donald Duck celebrates Halloween.

keskiviikko 16. lokakuuta 2013

Luettavaa ja puuhaa englanniksi

Sain kysymyksen siitä miten innokas englannin opiskelija voisi kartuttaa kielitaitoaan lisää oppikirjan ulkopuolisella materiaalilla. Ajattelin jakaa vastauksen teidän kaikkien kanssa eli tässä siis vinkkejä miten englantia voisi alku harjoitella lisää kotona:
Esimerkiksi Aku Ankan englanninkieliset taskukirjat ovat hyvää lukemista näin alkutaipaleella. Voi olla, että varsinaiset romaanit ovat vielä liian haastavaa luettavaa englanniksi, mutta jatkossa niihinkin kannattaa rohkeasti tarttua. Monien suosittujen lasten ja nuorten kirjojen alkuperäisteoksethan ovat englanniksi. Suosittelen tutustumaan esimerkiksi Mikkelin kirjaston lasten puolen englanninkieliseen valikoimaan, jos sieltä löytyisi sopivaa luettavaa. Kuvakirjat voisivat olla kielen suhteen hyviä näin alkuun, mutta eivät ehkä jaksa aiheiltaan enää kolmasluokkalaistakaan kiinnostaa.
Kirjakaupoista löytyy myös monia mukavia tehtäväkirjoja englannin opiskeluun. Esimerkiksi Reuhurinne-sarjassa on sekä Englanti että Travel Kit -nimiset tehtäväkirjat. Myös Disneyn Magic English -kirjoihin ja erityisesti Oppi&Ilo-sarjan Got it!- ja Piece of cake -enkkupeleihin sekä englannin puuhakirjoihin kannattaa tutustua.

Kirjakaupoista löytyy lisäksi tosi paljon erilaisia kuvasanakirjoja. Uusin taitaa olla Mauri Kunnakselta, ja vaikutti mielestäni oikein kivalta.

Toivottavasti tästä löytyi vinkkejä myös muille!


maanantai 14. lokakuuta 2013

Hello, hello!

Hello world!

This is a new blog where you'll find information about everything related to the English lessons in Rahula and Rämälä.


Hei maailma!

Tästä uudesta blogista löydät tietoja ja julkaisuja liittyen englannin opiskeluun Rahulan ja Rämälän kouluissa.
